We are Simble Football

By Simon Heikkila | Da Nang

Here in the Da Nang office, we are always looking for new ways to Invent & Innovate. While technology is our primary focus, we cannot neglect the human component of what we do. With that in mind, I’m pleased to announce a new product.

Introducing Simble Football …..

BACK: Khanh, Nguyen, Thanh Phuc, John, Dung, Phuc FRONT: Huy, Moon, Ha, Tien

Simble Football utilises a unique human-driven collaborative multi-tenanted physical process (’our team’) in order to deliver a spherical object (‘the football’) into a specified physical area (’the goal). This process is complicated by the fact that obstructions and opposing forces (‘the other team’) are simultaneously trying to achieve an opposite outcome.

We have been developing a beta product in secret for the last 6 months and I’m pleased to say that we are seeing incremental improvements in strategy and team fit.



While the nature of this product means that there is a high volatility in outcomes, we have demonstrated a 20% increase in win rate in Q2 2018, primarily driven by streamlined operational processes, increased ‘goals scored’ and a 25% average reduction in ‘goals scored against us’.

The product is now at an MVP stage and we’re field testing it in a public beta, codenamed ‘DSC Championship’. Initial results are promising and I’m looking forward to sharing the end results of the public beta with the team once the championship is complete.

We have a strong vision for the product, best described by Moon (our team lead for this project):

“Why Simble Football?

Easy, we wanna call it a Simble product, and we are all working now on it.
We play every week, after working hours, for fun, for health and to win.
It does not matter that we play good or not. We are managers or developers, front-end or back-end developers, PHP or JavaScripts developers. The important thing is we are working and playing together.

Come on and join the game!”

Based on our current success, we are also looking to launch a companion product, “Simble Badminton”. We expect a strong synergy between the two products which will allow us to capture a larger segment of the company sports market.

Watch this space!